Family Wellness 101: Cultivating Wellness at Home

Whether we grew up in a home with positive models of healthy relationship behaviors or not, our childhood experiences shape the relationships we have in adulthood. And if you are a parent, your own behaviors in the parent-child relationship will shape how your children engage in their future relationships. This class will dive into two main questions 1) What are the basic characteristics of healthy family relationships? and 2) What does it take to cultivate healthy family relationships at home? Dr. Trenita Brookshire Childers ‘05, a sociologist and mom of three boys, describes a framework for family wellness which includes five core areas: health and safety, identity, connection, belonging, and legacy. In this discussion, Dr. Childers will walk through ways to intentionally cultivate these five core areas of family wellness as we shape relationship dynamics in our homes.

Register by Tuesday, February 26.  

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