Emma Goldfarb ’24: Improv, Social Justice … and Drums

February 9, 2022

Erin Papakostas ’23

Emma Goldfarb ’24 came to Davidson from Farmington, Connecticut, reluctant at first to follow her brother, Sam, who is a current senior. But she took a tour of campus, met with theatre faculty and even sat in on a rehearsal.

She realized Davidson is a school where people want to help each other succeed, and she wanted to be a part of that type of community.

Goldfarb is a theatre major and intended environmental studies minor.

At Davidson, she already has had the opportunity to learn all sides of theatre, from acting to tech to directing. Her passion for theatre began at a young age, participating in productions at school and through the organization Looking In Theatre, which travels around Connecticut. They specialize in performing scenes to raise awareness on topics considered taboo by high school students and answer questions from the audience while staying in character. 

In keeping with her experience through Looking In Theatre, Goldfarb has joined a social justice theatre troupe on campus, started in the fall by Professor of Theatre Sharon Green. She is one of four core company members within the largely student-run initiative, and the program is structured so anyone can participate. The troupe practices improv exercises, through which they discuss social justice issues, and they brainstorm how to implement and illustrate those issues through theatre.

The program has gained some attention off campus, too. In the fall, Brooklyn-based playwright and Davidson alum Calley Anderson ’14 visited campus and sat in on the troupe’s sessions. She has written a short play unique to Davidson, created in collaboration with troupe members. A reading of the work is scheduled for Feb. 24-25, with a different cast each of the two nights.

Outside of theatre, Goldfarb has played the drums since the fifth grade and was a member of her middle school’s jazz band. She participated in the pit orchestra for musicals and also plays guitar and bass. She is working to start a band with some Davidson friends. Goldfarb also is a Davidson Arts and Creative Engagement Fellow, a tour guide and a member of Rusk Eating House.