My Davidson | A Student Blog Fall Semester at Davidson College Through an iPhone Lens

January 17, 2024

Explore Davidson College’s beautiful campus and ample student activities as captured through the perspective of Mikayla Bowens’s iPhone camera.

About the Author & Photographer

Mikayla Bowens ’27 (she/her) is an intended communications studies major from Charlotte, North Carolina.

Not only is there something so beautiful about discovering the undiscovered, but also there is something refreshing about seeing the same place in a new light. I went on a stroll with my iPhone to look at Davidson College through a new and different lens. 

a modern academic building lit up at night

Pictured here is the E. Craig Wall Jr. Academic Center at night. The warm light welcomed me in, and I knew I would be there for hours. 

a pastel sky at dusk above a student life center

Patterson Court is home to a great deal of student life on campus. Here, I caught a sunset and just had to stop and stare for a while. 

an old brick well on a sunny day surrounded by green trees

Davidson’s campus is a national arboretum and its towering green trees provide shade as I wander the campus for a place to sit. 

a brick pathway with brick arches overhead and green trees in the distance

Find new perspectives, even if that means crouching down to get a shot like this. At Davidson, you'll find fresh angles every time. 

a butterfly sits on a purple flower in front of a brick wall

A butterfly spotted outside of Sloan Music Center!

a hammock hanging from a tree in front of a columned building as sun falls between tree brances

Hanging in a hammock after a 9:30 a.m. class. Time seems to fly when you're surrounded by beautiful nature. 

a waiting area with chairs and overhead lights

Awaiting office hours; a time for students to drop by professors’ offices to ask questions, discuss projects or just check in on life.

a green space filled with sculptures and trees in front of a building with columns

Going through the sculpture garden to E.H. Little Library. 

a tent covered in string lights at night and young people dancing underneath it

Fall Fling is an annual party hosted by Union Board, Davidson’s oldest and largest programming organization on campus for student activities.

a green and wooden truck filled with flowers sits in front of a brick building

In addition to Fall Fling, the Union Board regularly hosts unique events on campus. Here, they hosted a flower arranging station. Check one out, and you might take some cute pictures with friends!

a black piano sits on a stage surrounded by seating and lights

Recently, I made the most beautiful discovery on campus – Tyler Tallman Hall, an intimate recital hall that houses not one, but TWO Steinway concert grand pianos.

Many places around Davidson have their very own stories. How you capture those stories is up to you. Go out and enjoy what's around you. All you need is a phone camera and an eye for detail. You never know what you may discover.