Davidson College Recognized for Voter Engagement

four hands in fists with "vote" stickers

Davidson College has been recognized by the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge for its nonpartisan democratic engagement efforts that fostered high levels of student voter engagement in the 2022 midterm elections. 

Davidson College joins a select group of colleges and universities in receiving the Gold Seal for its campus voting rate. The seal is a reflection of the college's commitment to assisting students in developing humane instincts and disciplined and creative minds for lives of leadership and service. Civic (and democratic) engagement lies at the heart of this work.

ALL IN is a national competition empowering colleges and universities to achieve excellence in nonpartisan democratic engagement through outstanding campus voter registration and turnout rates. More than 1,060 institutions participate, and they are ready to build on the momentum from 2022 to ensure their communities are ready to make an event bigger impact in the upcoming elections.

Stacey Riemer Headshot

We are so pleased with this recognition that not only highlights our students’ commitment to their communities but also the hard work of student leaders involved in the Davidson Votes initiative,” said Stacey Riemer, associate dean and director of the Center for Civic Engagement at Davidson. “These leaders are committed to developing a robust culture of civic engagement on our campus, including but not limited to voter engagement.

Stacey Riemer, Associate Dean of Students & Director of Davidson's Center for Civic Engagement

Davidson was recognized alongside more than 500 campuses using data from the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE) out of Tufts University, which found that colleges and universities had the second-highest voter turnout among students in a midterm election since NSLVE began measuring this data. 


Davidson College actively encourages democratic engagement by providing resources and programs for voting, advocacy and issue awareness. 

Learn More About Engaging in Democracy at Davidson College