Joelle Dietrick

Associate Professor of Art and Film, Media, and Digital Studies


  • M.F.A. University of California at San Diego
  • B.F.A. Pennsylvania State University


My paintings, prints, and animations visualize systems design and recent trends in infrastructure, born of the global, digital economy. With particular interest in network automation, my artworks often involve custom code to push the practice of painting forward. Many of the paintings are monumental in scale, made with house paint directly on the wall. Using color conceptually, I remix palettes from color forecasts, either created just before or in response to the recent housing market volatility.

My work has been shown in solo and group exhibitions at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Jacksonville, San Diego and Chicago; Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles; Transitio_MX in Mexico City; TINA B Festival in Prague and Venice; Long March Space Beijing; Soho20 New York; Flashpoint Gallery in Washington, D.C.; and as permanent public artworks at the University of Florida, the University of North Texas and in the City of Tallahassee.

I've attended residencies at the Künstlerhaus Salzburg, Anderson Ranch, the Banff Center, and the School of the Visual Arts and received grants and fellowships from the University of California, Florida State University, the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) and the National Endowment for the Arts, and most recently, from the Fulbright Program for research in Germany, China and Chile on the IT systems at seaports.

I teach courses in art and digital studies, focusing on experimentation in both traditional and digital art media. Having extensively researched art and electronic media, I incorporate related history and theory into my classes to help students inventively extend those ideas and think critically about their relationship to technology.