students on a beach, at sunset, holding hands

Religious and Spiritual Life

Our religious and spiritual life is as diverse and vibrant as our student body.

With 14 student organizations and the support of the Chaplains' Office, we hope that Davidson will be a spiritual home for all. The Chaplains' Office serves the entire college community, supporting a wide range of opportunities for worship, interfaith dialogue, fellowship, social action, and service.

Opportunities & Resources

Davidson encourages students to explore the religious and spiritual dimensions of life in a global context.

The Chaplains' Office provides opportunities for international experiences, faith-based internships, and ministerial fellowships for service and leadership.

Learn More About Opportunities & Resources


Religious Observances

The Davidson College community holds seasonal worship services, celebrations & commemorations on sacred occasions observed by many traditions, including: Kathina, Vesak, Ash Wednesday, Advent/Christmas, Holy Week, Lunar New Year, Diwali, Holi, Jewish High Holy Days, Hanukkah, Passover, Yom HaShoah, Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha and Nowruz.

The college also maintains a calendar of diverse holy days to encourage students, staff and faculty members to be aware and respectful of the many religious and spiritual traditions represented in our community.

Religious Observance Calendar 

Commitment to Accessibility

As part of Davidson College's ongoing commitment to accessibility for all visitors, our brochure and magazines are undergoing remediation to make their contents available for all readers. Completed files will be made available by request as they are ready.

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