Sara Swanson

Assistant Director for Archives & Special Collections and Curator of Rare Books

A Typical Day at the Library

As the Assistant Director for Archives & Special Collections and Curator of Rare Books, I spend a typical day meeting with department staff to plan courses and collaborations with faculty and community members; answering reference questions for students and staff; and developing policies for our archives and special collections. You might also find me working with donors, searching for new additions to our Rare Book Room, or identifying new locations to store our ever-expanding archival collections. No matter what I'm working on, I am guided by our team's mission to accommodate the changing demographics and curriculum of Davidson, recognize the relationship between the college and communities around the region, and give voice and a platform to those underrepresented groups that desire one.

Areas of Interest

  • Rare Books
  • Community Based Archives
  • Poetry (Especially Renaissance and Modern)
  • Playing the New York Times Spelling Bee and Crossword
  • Hiking


  • M.L.I.S. University of Pittsburgh
  • M.A. University of Chicago (English)
  • B.A. College of the Holy Cross (English)