Archives and Special Collections
The Archives & Special Collections (ASC) team provides the opportunity to research primary sources to understand our present and inform our future.
This includes archival materials, manuscripts, rare books, music and more.
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Questions about Davidson history, collaborating with our staff, using items from our collections, or donating materials?
Many answers can be found in our Research Guides and our FAQs. We can also be reached at archives@davidson.edu or 704-894-2158.
Advisory Statement
The Davidson College Archives & Special Collections contain materials originally published in yearbooks, newspapers, and other Davidson College publications. You may encounter upsetting racist, oppressive, and outdated representations in these documents. They are included for historical accuracy and do not represent the views of the current Davidson College community, which honors the dignity of all persons and commits itself to a quest for truth and the building of a more just and humane future.