Equipment Insurance
Insurance coverage for college-owned equipment falls into three categories: equipment housed on campus, equipment housed off campus, and privately owned equipment.
Principal investigators should note that equipment purchased with grant funds awarded to Davidson College is considered the property of the college.
Equipment Housed On Campus
Equipment housed on campus is covered under the college's general insurance policy as long as it remains on campus. No additional insurance is required unless the equipment has an unusually high value, would be subject to damage from unusual causes, or would, by its nature, be very sensitive or easily damaged.
Equipment Housed Off Campus
Equipment purchased with grant funds but used off-campus may require supplemental coverage. Contact the physical plant office prior to proposal submission in order to determine the amount and cost of supplemental insurance. Supplemental insurance should be written into the grant budget when allowed by the funding agency.
Note: Laptop computers are covered by the college insurance policy while being transported via public transportation only when the laptop remains in the faculty member's possession while in transit. Insurance coverage does not extend to laptops "checked" as baggage.
Privately Owned Equipment
Equipment purchased with grants awarded to individuals is considered personal property and technically does not qualify for coverage under the college's insurance policy. Individuals are encouraged to consult with their personal insurance company agent to verify coverage of privately owned research equipment.