Summer Housing
Summer 2025 Housing
The Residence Life Office (RLO) will be housing Davidson students over the summer in Chidsey Hall. Due to space availability, priority will be given to those students doing research, internships, taking classes and/or working for Davidson College during the summer. Students who wish to live on campus for the entire summer session (May 24, 2025 - July 26, 2025) will be given priority. RLO will attempt to meet as many single room requests as possible but the number of single rooms available is limited.
Summer housing contract options:
- Full summer - Saturday, May 24 to Saturday, July 26
- First half of summer - Saturday, May 24 to Saturday, June 28
- Second half of summer - Sunday, June 29 to Saturday, July 26
Space is limited, and priority is given to full summer applicants.
Summer housing rates are based on room type (double or single rooms) and duration. Students may stay on-campus between spring closing and the start of summer housing (see May Move-Over below) and/or between the end of the summer session and Fall opening (see August Move-Over below), each carries an additional charge.
Applications for Summer Housing and the May Move-Over/August Move-Over Add-Ons will open on April 3, 2025.
All college and RLO Policies and Procedures for Residents apply during summer housing, unless otherwise specified by RLO professionals. Any student found in violation of policy may be removed from summer housing without refund.
May Move-Over (Summer Housing Add-On)
$225 Flat Rate
Students staying in the residence halls from Closing to the beginning of First Half of Summer are considered May move-overs. May move-overs are charged a flat rate of $225 for housing during this time.
Depending on the location of spring assignments, May move-overs will either stay in their spring assignment or be housed in one temporary building before moving into Chidsey hall for summer housing. Please note: May Move-overs will be without hot water for most of the first week of housing, as will most of campus, while Physical Plant conducts annual maintenance on the steam plant. Residents will have access to designated bathrooms (TBD) during this week to take hot showers.
August Move-Over (Summer Housing Add-On)
$35 Per Night
Students staying in the residence halls for Full Summer or Second Half Summer until Fall move-in AND who have an on-campus assignment for Fall are considered August move-overs. August move-overs are initially housed in their summer assignment and will move into their fall assignment on the date specified by RLO. Summer residents must be present to move all belongings on the move-over date and must return the summer key by the date specified by RLO. No exceptions are made for move-over dates due to Fall preparations.
August move-overs are charged a $35 per night rate which is placed on the student account by August 31.
Students who have opening responsibilities (that is, roles on campus directly related to the opening of the college as determined by the Dean of Students) have the nightly rate waived beginning on the start date of their opening responsibilities. Opening responsibility roles include in-season athletes, pre-orientation programs, and leadership groups participating with orientation.
Students must apply to be an August move-over on the initial application, so RLO can properly assign them in summer housing to allow for cleaning and repairs before early arrivals move in in August. Students who do not live in summer housing for the entire summer or the second half of the summer are not eligible to be an August move-over.
Summer Housing Application
Applications for Summer Housing and the May Move-Over/August Move-Over Add-Ons will open on April 3, 2025.
The deadline for submitting applications is 11:59 p.m. on April 14, 2025. At that time, the online application will be deactivated. Students who wish to submit a late application will need to email Late applications will be considered based on space availability.
Questions regarding summer housing can be emailed to the Assistant Director of Housing Operations, Ashley Smith at
All dates are subject to change based on availability.