This site provides accounts payable information and resources. Our accounts payable department processes all supplier payments, maintains supplier master data, and more.

Gift Cards

Purchases of gift cards are not allowed, unless the gift cards are for confidential research participants in an IRB approved research project.  To claim exemption, the approved IRB number must be submitted with the supporting documentation.  

Mileage Reimbursement

Business travel in your personal vehicle is reimbursed using the mileage rate established by Internal Revenue Service guidelines. Learn more about mileage reimbursement.

Mobile Devices

With the exception of duty devices, where a single device is shared across employees while on duty, or where a device and number are permanently assigned to a position instead of to an employee holding that position, the college does not pay mobile device expenses for employees.

Year-End Processing

Budget managers and requestors need to plan ahead during the transition from one fiscal year to next fiscal year. Follow these important guidelines for year-end processing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about making payments, reimbursements, vendor numbers and more.