Housing and Relocation
Property Management offers a variety of services for faculty and staff, including a rental program and ownership opportunities.
For more information, connect with our Physical Plant team at 704-894-2220.
Rental Options
The college owns various properties, including 50 rental properties, located on streets adjacent to or within a mile surrounding the campus. These properties are rented to new faculty and eligible administrative staff members. Rental rates are based on an appraised value of the property as prescribed by the IRS. The Property Management Office in Physical Plant administers the assignment, rates, leases, maintenance and repair of housing.
Land Lease Home Ownership
The college's Land Lease program reduces the upfront costs of home ownership, while ensuring an academic community in residency within easy reach of students and teaching facilities. Through the program the cost of the improved land is reduced from the sales price of a home, thus substantially reducing the cost, down payment, and monthly payments by the buyer/home owner.
Relocation and Moving Expense Policy
Davidson College recognizes that new employees selected as a result of a national or regional search may need assistance with moving expenses.