Guidelines for Mass Email Communications

Guidelines for Mass Email Communications

Email is a critical communications tool at the College allowing students, faculty, and staff to send and receive messages. 

Members of the College community may from time to time create opt-in email lists and groups (listservs) to facilitate communication on a wide variety of discussion topics and interests. Students, faculty and staff may send emails to these groups to communicate on topics relevant to the listserv’s purpose as determined by the list creator or moderator. Community members may not subscribe other people to listservs without the recipient’s permission/opt-in to receive messages.

 A limited number of listservs allow communication to all students, faculty and staff, or a subset of these groups (e.g., all junior-year students). Community members may not unsubscribe from these lists. 

Because of their wide distribution and the importance of ensuring these remain widely read as sources of official communication, Davidson limits the uses of these lists to ensure the proper functioning of College information technology resources and the ability of individuals to effectively use such resources. Approval of the President, a Vice President, or other division head is required to send messages to these College-maintained email lists.

Wherever possible, departments and divisions are encouraged to use existing employee and student email newsletters to communicate topics of interest, where applicable.

Last revised April 7, 2022