Computer Workstation Purchasing

Computer Workstation Purchasing


The purchasing of new or replacement hardware is a collaborative process between Technology & Innovation (T&I) and individuals or designated department representatives. The college aims to ensure that all faculty and staff members using computing resources have a computer of sufficient capabilities to fulfill responsibilities. 


This policy seeks to inform the campus community of the schedule and process for purchase and replacement of faculty and staff workstation computers.


The college provides at least one computer workstation for all applicable faculty and staff, and replaces that computer every four (4) years. If desired, an employee may elect to keep their computer for one additional year. Any other deviations from this schedule are permitted only with the prior permission of the relevant vice president (or division head) and the CIO. All campus computers must be purchased by T&I.

Administration of Policy

When a workstation is eligible for replacement or a new workstation is needed, a T&I staff member will interview the individual to ensure understanding of how they use their computer and what type of computer they want: laptop (laptops are recommended for faculty in order to provide maximum flexibility) or desktop, Mac or Windows. Based on information gathered from this interview, T&I will identify the configuration that best meets their needs. View our current standard configurations, Computer Purchasing Standards for Employees

Whenever a new computer is delivered to replace an old computer, the device being replaced should be returned to T&I. As a general rule, every computer must be returned to T&I at either (a) the end of the computer’s lifespan, or (b) at the end of the employment of the person to whom the computer is assigned (the device will be erased and freshly prepared for the new hire in the role). If a position is eliminated, the department may elect to:

  • Reallocate the eliminated position’s workstation to another employee, and return that employee’s workstation instead; or,

  • Retain the eliminated position’s computer within the department; however, the computer will be recategorized as Tier 2 (see below) and no longer be eligible for replacement.

Computers are valuable college resources. Older equipment serves a useful purpose for second tier functions, such as student or part-time workers. If you have a departmental need for older equipment (commonly referred to as Tier 2), please discuss this need with T&I.

Employees are expected to exercise responsible care for the computers entrusted to them. In the event of repeated violations of this by an employee (e.g., loss, theft or accidental damage), T&I may require the department to fund the workstation’s replacement; alternatively, the workstation can be replaced with a Tier 2 workstation (if one is available that meets the requirements) at no cost.

Funding for faculty and staff workstations is as follows:

  New Replacement
Public Labs T&I fully funds

T&I will fully fund standard-configuration workstations (one per individual).

As necessary, T&I will fund upgrades to standard configurations, up to $600.

For upgrades not determined to be necessary, or costing more than $600, the requesting department or division must provide purchasing funds to T&I.

Individual Workstations The requesting department/division must provide purchasing funds to T&I*

T&I will fully fund standard-configuration workstations (one per individual).

As necessary, T&I will fund upgrades to standard configurations, up to $600.

For upgrades not determined to be necessary, or costing more than $600, the requesting department or division must provide purchasing funds to T&I.

Teaching Labs The requesting department/division must provide purchasing funds to T&I*

T&I will fully fund standard-configuration workstations (one per individual).

As necessary, T&I will fund upgrades to standard configurations, up to $600.

For upgrades not determined to be necessary, or costing more than $600, the requesting department or division must provide purchasing funds to T&I.

Research Computers The requesting department/division must provide purchasing funds to T&I* The department must provide purchasing funds to T&I

*T&I will fund and provide one (1) workstation for visiting faculty members as described above under Replacement: Individual Workstations.

Regardless of funding source, computers are only allowed on the Davidson network if they meet all security requirements, including but not limited to, active vendor security patching.

​The CIO shall oversee this policy and review it at least once every two years. Changes to this policy shall be made in accordance with the college’s Policy on Policies.

Last Revised: June 2019