Sports Betting Policy

Policy on Sports Betting

Davidson College prohibits the following sports betting activities:

  1. Employees and students shall not engage in any form of betting on sports competitions in which Davidson College athletes are competing.

  2. Employees and students shall not share nonpublic information about Davidson College athletes that is relevant to sports betting.
  3. Employees and students shall not attempt to influence the outcome of a sporting event that includes Davidson College athletes.

Sports betting and related activities are also regulated by the NCAA and federal and state law, which contain additional prohibitions. The NCAA prohibits student athletes and athletics employees from betting on any sport sponsored by the NCAA at any level, and from sharing information for sports wagering purposes.

Policy Information

“Betting” or “placing bets” is defined as putting something of value at risk (e.g., money, property, entry fee, a tangible item) with a chance of winning something in return.

College employees and enrolled students shall not place bets on any sports competitions in which Davidson College athletes are competing.  This includes, but is not limited to, placing bets on NCAA bracket challenges for tournaments that include a Davidson College athletic team. 

This policy includes a prohibition on college employees and enrolled students sharing nonpublic information about Davidson College athletes that is relevant to sports betting.  This policy also prohibits college employees and enrolled students from attempting to influence the outcome of a sporting event that includes Davidson College athletes.  

Employee violations of this policy shall be considered “unacceptable personal behavior” under the college’s Disciplinary Action policy.  Employees who violate this policy shall be subject to discipline under the Disciplinary Action policy, up to and including dismissal.

Student violations of this policy shall be considered a violation of Section V of the Code of Responsibility (We honor Davidson by upholding the policies that support our community standards).  Students who violate this policy shall be subject to discipline under the Code of Disciplinary Procedures.

Permissible Activities

It shall be permissible for employees and students to participate in a contest for a prize provided the contest does not include an entry fee or betting.  For example, an employee or student may participate in a “March Madness” bracket challenge in a year when Davidson College is participating in the NCAA basketball tournament so long as there is no entry fee required to be eligible to win a prize.

Additional Prohibited Acts

Employees and students should note that sports betting and related activities are regulated under federal and state law and NCAA regulations and contain additional prohibitions not included in this policy.

NCAA Regulations

NCAA sports wagering rules do not allow student athletes or athletics employees to bet on any sport sponsored by the NCAA at any level, including college and/or professional or (2) to share information for sports wagering purposes.

NC State Law

Gambling activities may violate North Carolina law

Federal Law

Influencing the outcome of a sporting event may violate federal law.


Last Reviewed:  January 27, 2020