Health and Wellness Organizations
Davidson is committed to establishing a safe environment for students and promoting student health and wellness. Students can take an active part in promoting a healthy lifestyle by participating in the student-led health organizations listed below.
This page is just a sampling of the many clubs and organizations active at Davidson. Members of the Davidson community may view all organizations on WildcatSync. Students may also work with the Student Activities Office to launch new clubs and organizations.
Minds Do Matter
Minds Do Matter is an organization devoted to the education, awareness and support of mental health and related issues facing students on campus. We seek to work with students to create helpful resources and programming on our campus to make Davidson a more healthy place for all. We also hope to raise awareness about mental health and related issues amongst the Davidson College student body.
Planned Parenthood Generation Action (PPGenAction) is a movement of young people across identities and issues that organizes with, by, and for their generation in order to achieve reproductive freedom. To ensure that young people's lives are at the center of our movement, our key priorities are: inclusivity, fighting abortion stigma, trans inclusion, elections, and movement and power building. Davidson's PPGA works to promote these ideals throughout campus to encourage a more empowered, healthy and inclusive campus.
Students Against Sexual Violence (SASV) is a student committee that works with various campus health organizations to educate the student body on issues surrounding sexual assault and rape, Title IX, and the Clery Act laws. They do active programming including consent education and policy awareness, and they provide survivor and secondary survivor resources.