Singles, Doubles, Triples, & Suites
Upper-class students who do not live in Martin Court Apartments can choose to live in traditional (community bathroom) single or double rooms, or in suites (adjoining rooms connected by a bathroom).
Please review the lottery timeline often during housing selection to stay informed of important application deadlines and dates. Make sure to review the options below before the Housing Lottery.
Single Rooms
There are approximately 85 single rooms on campus. Most singles on campus are found in Irwin, Akers and Knox. There are also 10 singles on the fourth floor of Belk and 10 singles on 2nd and 3rd Duke. Chidsey Hall houses 17 singles (for rising sophomores only.) Some singles will be pre-assigned to students with accommodative needs and to student staff.
- Students that would like to live in a single room apply through the Housing Lottery. Since there are a limited number of single rooms available on campus, not all students who apply will be guaranteed a single room.
- We suggest and encourage students who are trying for a single room to have a backup plan by having a potential roommate already in place.
Double Rooms & Suites
A majority of the residence hall rooms available to students during room selection are double rooms or rooms within a suite.
- Students who would like to live in a double room or suite apply through the Housing Lottery.
- Please note that in order to choose a double room or suite, students MUST have a roommate.
Triple Rooms
A small number of triple rooms are available on campus on fourth floor of Belk and second floor of Duke. These rooms are assigned according to lottery number order.
- Students who would like to live in a triple apply through the Housing Lottery.
- Please note that in order to choose a triple room, students MUST have roommates.
Students Without a Roommate
Looking for a roommate? Let RLO help! Complete the Wildcat Matching Form to receive daily listings of students also searching.