Chaplain's Cafe

Pastoral Care

The college chaplains are available to all members of the college community, of any religious tradition or secular background, to offer confidential spiritual direction and pastoral care.

They also can help advise whether meeting with a clinically trained therapist might be helpful.

Schedule an Appointment

To schedule a care appointment with a chaplain, call the office at 704-894-2423 or email the chaplain with whom you would like to speak.Our office is located next to the elevator on the 4th floor of the Alvarez College Union.

When to seek spiritual direction or care:

  • When you would like someone to talk and pray with you about matters that concern you.
  • When you are trying to discern your career direction or sense of calling.
  • When you are questioning religious beliefs and convictions.
  • When you are experiencing grief at the loss of someone you love.
  • When you are reflecting on how your sexuality, sexual orientation, or gender identity relates to faith or scripture. 
  • When you would like to reflect on important relationships in your life, with parents, siblings, or a boyfriend/girlfriend.
  • When you are faced with important decisions or choices, and want to reflect on how they connect to your faith and values.
  • When you're struggling with issues related to emotional, physical, or sexual abuse.
  • When you're wondering how to help a friend who is struggling.