CARE & Case Management
A department within the Dean of Students office, Case Management provides holistic care and individualized support to Davidson College students.
Angela L. Harris PsyD, Assistant Dean of Students & Case Manager, works directly with students experiencing a broad range of issues and concerns that may include, but are not limited to complex personal situations, extenuating circumstances, general welfare, health, and wellness – all which impact a student’s academic success.
When applicable, Case Management also includes an Outreach Fellow. The Fellow assists the case manager by offering passive and direct student programming focused on mental health and wellness. In addition, they provide support to students who may be struggling in the areas of college adjustment and academics.
Case Management oversees a few college processes that aim to support and assist students throughout their tenure at Davidson College.
Formerly "Students of Concern Committee"
The CARE Team is a group of administrators and staff from the following campus areas: Dean of Students Office, Residence Life Office, Academic Access and Disability Resources, Registrar’s Office, Davidson College Campus Police, Counseling Center, Student Health, and the Chaplains' Office. They work closely with the Assistant Dean of Students & Case Manager to determine the best interventions and support to provide students who are struggling psychologically, physically, emotionally, behaviorally, academically and/or socially.
The CARE Team meets weekly to help determine and coordinate college resources to assist at-risk students who display signs of emotional distress. It identifies students who have experienced a personal loss, serious academic challenges, medical concerns or who may be a danger to themselves or others in the community.
Formerly "Students of Concern Form"
Any professor, staff, student, family member or community member is encouraged to submit a CARE Referral Form if you are concerned about a student. The CARE Referral Form will be received and reviewed during normal business working hours. For emergencies or if you believe someone is an immediate threat to themselves, others or the campus community, please call 911 or Davidson College Police Department (DCPD) at 704-892-7773. Professors are strongly encouraged to raise academic concerns using the Academic Warning Form.
For Faculty
Academic Warning Form
An Academic Warning is submitted by professors to alert key offices that a student is struggling academically, in hopes of addressing academic difficulties in time for their successful completion of coursework. This process begins with the Registrar’s Office sending an e-mail to all professors in the fourth week of the semester, asking them to identify students who are struggling in their courses (in matters of attendance, participation, performance on assignments, and submitting work on time).
The information that professors provide goes automatically to the Registrar’s Office, Academic Access and Disability Resources (AADR), Athletics (if the student is an athlete), and the student’s advisor. The student is informed when an Academic Warning is submitted. Advisers then meet with students to assess the reported challenges and offer support, referrals, and resources, as needed. Other offices may also reach out to the student based on the nature of the information provided in the Academic Warning.
Personal Leave
Students may take a Personal Leave (temporary leave) from Davidson College which encompasses medical, mental health or other reasons. Students may take up to two (2) consecutive semesters of personal leave without penalty. A personal leave of three (3) or more consecutive semesters will likely result in a withdrawal from the college and a student will need to reapply for admission. A student must communicate to the college their plan to take a personal leave using the Personal Leave Form.
Academic leaves are coordinated through the Registrar's Office. Contact the Registrar's Office for information about academic leaves.
Authorized Withdrawals
An Authorized Withdrawal (“WA”) is offered to a student who withdraws officially from a course or courses after the add/drop period. A student can seek an authorized withdrawal based on an extenuating circumstance, which may include but is not limited to serious health, family, or personal challenges. Documentation may be requested at the discretion of the Assistant Dean & Case Manager for an authorized withdrawal to be considered.
An authorized withdrawal can only be granted during the semester in which the challenges occur, not after the semester has concluded. Students interested in an authorized withdrawal should complete the authorized withdrawal form/link. After the request and all necessary documentation is received/reviewed, the student will hear directly from the Dean of Students Office whether the request has been approved or denied. If a student is granted an authorized withdrawal from a class, the Registrar’s Office, the applicable professor, and advisor are notified by the Dean of Students Office.
Authorized withdrawals are not automatically granted based on the request. A student seeking an authorized withdrawal should not assume the authorized withdrawal will be granted. Students are still responsible for attending class and completing all academic work until the authorized withdrawal is approved.
Class Absence Notification
Students are expected and empowered to communicate directly with their professors first regarding their absences for any reason. The Dean of Students Office may provide notification to professors for emergent situations and extenuating circumstances. Notification of a class absence does not excuse students from attendance expectations or course requirements. A Class Absence Notification is solely a means to share information regarding emergent and extenuating circumstances from the Dean of Students Office.
It is the responsibility of the student to contact the professor and determine a mutually agreed upon arrangement for class absences and missed work. The decision regarding absences and the resulting influence those absences have on grades or course progression is ultimately at the discretion of the professor in consideration of college policies and expectations outlined via course syllabi.
Submit a Class Absence Notification Request for an emergent situation or extenuating circumstance.
If a student's situation is related to a disability and they would like to consider a request for academic accommodations, please contact Academic Access and Disability Resources (AADR) at aadr@davidson.edu.
Withdrawing from Davidson
A student must complete the Davidson Withdrawal Form to formally start the process of withdrawing from Davidson College. Please note fees may apply. Questions about credits and transcripts can be found within the Registrar's section of the website.
The Student Assistance for Financial Emergencies (SAFE)
The SAFE program assists students experiencing an unexpected or unavoidable financial emergency which stands to impede their educational progress towards degree completion or personal well-being. The Dean of Students Office awards SAFE grants on a non-cash, case-by-case basis.
To get started with Counseling Services your care begins with a triage appointment. To access paperwork and schedule your triage appointment in advance, visit the Student Health Portal (Davidson log-in required). When scheduling your initial appointment, please be advised that this session may take up to a full hour to complete. Please do not schedule online if in crisis, visit the center immediately.
Learn more about Counseling Services
Counseling Services also accepts walk-ins, Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm at Student Health and Well-Being. After-hours support is available by calling 704-894-2300.