Vehicles & Rates
The college has a rental pool of vehicles available and contracts with local rental companies to supplement the pool as needed.
High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) training is required for all drivers before reserving any high occupancy vehicle.
Request a Vehicle
Please request a vehicle online and review the Motor Pool Guidelines. Vehicle Request Forms must be submitted at least one week prior to the date needed. Reservations cannot be guaranteed for requests made with less than a week's notice. Reservations are not confirmed until the completed and submitted form is received.
Cancellation Policy
Reservations must be cancelled at least 36 hours in advance. Any vehicles not cancelled within 36 hours of the reservation date are subject to assessment of full reservation charges.
Fuel Charges
There is no gas charge up to 100 miles, then $.25 per mile thereafter. Each key bag contains an Exxon/Mobil card to purchase gas while on the road. If you are unable to find an Exxon or Mobil gas station and have to purchase gas at another station, the renting department will be reimbursed for the gasoline purchased.
Toll Charges
All tolls occurring in college owned vehicles will be billed to the renting department. Divisions may implement their own policy regarding authorization of employees to utilize toll routes in college-owned vehicles.
2022 Toyota Corolla
Accommodates 4 Passengers
Restrictions: None
Daily Rate: $40 Half Day (4 hrs or less): $20
2018 Ford Transit Van
Accommodates 15 Passengers with NO equipment/luggage
Accommodates 12 Passengers with equipment/luggage
Restrictions: HOV Training Required
Daily Rate: $120.00 Half Day (4 hrs or less): $60.00
2019 Cargo/Accessibility Van
Accommodates 10 passengers, driver without a wheelchair
Accommodates 7 passengers, driver and 1 wheelchair
Accommodates 4 passengers, driver and 2 wheelchairs
Restrictions: HOV Training Required
Daily Rate: $120.00 Half Day (4 hrs or less): $60.00
Closed Cargo Trailer
3,000 lb. weight limit
Interior Dimensions: L=10', W=5'8", H=5'6"
Daily Rate: $6 Half Day: N/A