Office of Sponsored Programs

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) manages administrative processes related to Davidson College's externally funded grants, provides both pre and post award services, and serves as a liaison between faculty, college administrators, and funding agencies.

Year in Review

The presence of multiple active research and scholarly groups of faculty at Davidson College creates a dynamic atmosphere that promotes a culture of scholarship and intellectual synergy. Faculty across the humanities, arts, social sciences, and natural sciences departments continue to find exciting ways to use external grant funding to enhance faculty-student mentoring, increase scholarly/creative output, improve instructional productivity, and extend the college’s influence through external outreach. Learn more about funded research activity at Davidson College: 

FY24 Year in Review (Google Doc)

FY23 Year in Review (Google Doc)

FY22 Year in Review (Google Doc)

FY21 Year in Review (Google Doc)

Individual funding searches are routinely conducted in connection with upcoming sabbatical leaves, new or continuing research, curriculum development, workshops and equipment. Please contact Peter Szanton to set up a meeting to discuss extramural funding opportunities and submission strategies.

Useful information needed to prepare a competitive grant proposal can be found on the proposal development page, including the following:

  • How to obtain and provide sponsor guidelines and application forms
  • Clarification of agency guidelines
  • Proposal review
  • Budget preparation
  • How to obtain college approvals and signatures
  • How to duplicate and mail proposals
  • How to follow up on the status of pending proposals
  • Assistance in negotiating awards and executing contracts

Roles and Responsibilities

The principal investigator (PI) is the primary individual in charge of a research grant, cooperative agreement, contract or other sponsored project. OSP, as well as individuals working in Academic Affairs and Finance & Administration, support the PI as described below.

PI/Co-PI: Principal Investigator/Co-Principal Investigator
The Principal Investigator/Co-PI is the primary individual(s) in charge of a research grant, cooperative agreement, contract, or other sponsored project. The Principal Investigator and Co-PI report to a Department Chair (or other designated official).

Department Chair
The Department Chair is an academic leader with programmatic, managerial and fiscal responsibilities for a designated area, such as a department, program, or center. The Department Chair reports to the VPAA.  Prior to grant submission, the Department Chair(s) must approve the following requests for department level funding that may accompany the grant if awarded: Undergraduate Student Researchers; Computers, Equipment, Supplies, Facilities, or Facility Modifications; Post-Doctoral Positions; Course Releases; Sabbatical supplements.

VPAA: Vice President for Academic Affairs/Dean of Faculty
The VPAA is the academic leader who has programmatic, managerial, and fiscal responsibilities for Academic Affairs, and who reports to the President. Prior to grant submission, VPAA must approve the following requests that may accompany the grant if awarded: Post-Doctoral Positions, Course Releases, Sabbatical supplements.

Associate Dean of Faculty
The Associate Dean of Faculty has the responsibility to oversee research activities in the Office of Sponsored Programs and is given the authority to act on the VPAA's behalf in matters relating to research.  Prior to grant submission, the Associate Dean of Faculty must approve the following requests that may accompany the grant if awarded: Post-Doctoral Positions, Course Releases.

Associate Director of Academic Administration
The Associate Director of Academic Administration has the responsibility for matters of budget planning and administration and is given the authority to act on the VPAA's behalf in matters relating to cost sharing and matching funds for research.  Prior to grant submission, the Associate Director of Academic Administration must approve the following requests for VPAA funding that may accompany the grant if awarded: Undergraduate Student Researchers; Computers, Equipment, Supplies, Facilities, or Facility Modifications; Post-Doctoral Positions; Course Releases; Sabbatical supplements.

Office of Sponsored Programs
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is the only institutional unit legally able to submit proposals to external entities for financial support in the form of a contract, grant, or agreement, and is legally able to commit the College on behalf of the Board of Trustees in the event an award is made.  The OSP circulates the External Grants Institutional Commitment form prior to grant submission.

  • Director of OSP is designated as the Institutional Official and has the authority to sign submitted proposals, to receive awards and to conduct any other official business with funding agencies, whether federal or private.
  • Assistant Director, Pre-Award Manager provides pre-award services to faculty and is the Human Subjects/Institutional Review Board Compliance Manager.
  • Assistant Director, Post-Award Manager provides post award fiscal management services to faculty including financial reports, record reconciliation and grant closeouts.
  • Grants Coordinator provides administrative support for internal and external grants, including grant compliance and record keeping.
  • Grants Accounting Assistant is responsible for establishing a restricted fund in the accounting system that is specific to each award and providing post-award fiscal monitoring.

Controller's Office
The Controller's Office receives award payments and processes accounts payable.

Human Resources
Human Resources provides support for the hiring of grant-funded positions and administers grant-funded payroll.

Visit our post-award grant management page for guidelines concerning the details on procedures for post-award management.

OSP ensures compliance with policies governing use of Human Subjects and Animal Subjects, as well as conflict of interest and misconduct in science

Institutional Data is useful for the development of strong research proposals.  This information is often included in a Facilities, Equipment and Resources document attached to the proposal, detailing the research environment at the college, composition of the student body, career outcomes, etc.  Links are included on the Institutional Data page to the College’s Fact File, Common Data Set, Career Outcomes, and other helpful information.