Dean Rusk Travel Grants
The Dean Rusk International Studies Program provides grant-funded opportunities for student service, research, internships, study, and exploratory and reflective learning abroad.
There are two grant cycles per year, one for winter break projects and one for summer projects. Grant proposals for winter break should meet a minimum time requirement of 2 weeks. Summer grant proposals should meet a minimum time requirement of 3 weeks. The Dean Rusk International Studies Program strongly prefers summer proposals that are for a month or longer. Grant awards will vary considerably depending on the availability of funds, number of applications received, and other factors.
You should make sure your proposal fits one of the following categories: Service, Research, Exploratory and Reflective Learning, or Study. Additional categories include the Keller Memorial Scholarship and Pulitzer Center Fellowship. Please note that Dean Rusk funds are not, with very few exceptions, to be used to pay for external program fees. Students seeking to apply for Dean Rusk grants are required to meet with the Dean Rusk Office to categorize their proposal. Please visit the staff webpage to schedule an appointment.
Students who apply for Dean Rusk Grants should carefully read the guidelines, as well as use the checklist, when preparing their proposals.
Endowed travel funds have been given by alumni and friends of Davidson College who are deeply committed to broadening the scope and resources of international studies at Davidson. The endowed funds are used to support international travel grants for students and faculty, based on each fund's specifications.
We know that you have a lot of questions about applying for travel grants. How much time should I spend abroad? When should I start my application? What if my plans change after I submit?