Fellowships and Internships
The Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) hosts immersive project-based internships and fellowship programs with public and nonprofit organizations in the summer.
Through the internships, community living and a shared curriculum, interns explore complex social issues and connect them to their academic experiences. All opportunities are in the Davidson/Charlotte area and include stipends and housing. Review the positions below that we will offer in Summer 2025.
Available Positions
Positions Available: 2
The interns will take the lead on the planning and implementation of three weeklong Service Odyssey experiences for incoming students. This will include service projects, discussions, reflection activities, and cultural & social excursions in the Charlotte/Lake Norman area. In addition, the intern will support the CCE staff with Orientation/Welcome Week activities sponsored by the CCE, including First Year Bonner Orientation and the First Year Civic Engagement Project.
- Duration: Full-time (Avg 40 hrs/week) position for the entire summer (Begin week of June 6 and continue through New Student Orientation)
- Benefits: $4,500 stipend + on-campus housing (or equivalent locally)
- Application Materials Required: Resume and Application on WildcatSync
Positions Available: 3-4
A team of Community Research Fellows will work with faculty and staff from the Center for Civic Engagement and the Hurt Hub’s Data CATS program and community leaders to engage in place-based community research focusing on the key focus areas identified by community leaders (for example, housing, early childhood education and health). Faculty with expertise in these areas will serve as mentors.
- Duration: Eight-nine weeks (dates TBD)
- Benefits: $3,500 education award + housing stipend
- Application Materials Required: Resume and cover letter (Cover letter should include interest in community research and the above-mentioned focus areas along with experiences and skills developed in classes or elsewhere related to qualitative methods, statistical analysis, data visualization, etc.)
Positions Available: 6
Brenda H. Tapia CDF Freedom Schools at Davidson College provides summer enrichment, for children between kindergarten and 8th grades, which fosters a love for reading, increases self-esteem, and generates positive attitudes toward learning. Interns, implementing curriculum provided by the Children’s Defense Fund, will serve as facilitators in the classroom and will plan and lead enrichment activities.
- Duration: Full-time (Avg 40 hrs/week) position for nine weeks (May 31-July 29)
- Benefits: $3,500 stipend + housing
- Application Materials Required: Resume and Application on WildcatSync. Applicants selected for interviews will receive more information about how to prepare a brief “lesson” to teach as a part of the interview.
Positions Available: 20+
This program is for those interested in supporting not-for-profit organizations through capacity building projects. Roles may include responsibilities with program management, grant writing, communication and social media, volunteer management, and research (to name a few). Two cohorts are offered this summer: Charlotte and North Mecklenburg & Lake Norman.
The Charlotte cohort will experience a more intense curriculum including shared readings, enrichment activities, and weekly meetings with the entire group to discuss learning and to share written pieces of critical inquiry. Participants will also participate in the Summer Community Leadership Institute with other Davidson College summer program participants as part of program orientation. Charlotte cohort participants will be housed together on the campus of Johnson and Wales University in Uptown Charlotte.
The North Mecklenburg & Lake Norman cohort will take part in enrichment once a week around a shared reading and participate in the Summer Community Leadership Institute with other Davidson College summer program participants as part of program orientation. North Mecklenburg & Lake Norman cohort participants can elect to live in Davidson College summer housing or find local accommodations.
- Duration: Full-time (average 40 hrs/week) position for nine weeks (May 27 – July 25)
- Benefits: $3,500 stipend + housing
- Application Materials Required: Resume and Application on WildcatSync.
- The application opens October 7 and closes February 8 at the end of day.
Positions Available: 1
The Roy Alexander Internship is an eight-week summer program established by Davidson Lands Conservancy, Dave and Elizabeth Martin, Sue Peck, and other friends and admirers in memory of Davidson Lands Conservancy's founding Executive Director, Roy Alexander, Class of 1964.
Interns work directly with leaders of the Davidson Lands Conservancy. The program provides interns with the opportunity to learn about non-profit management as well as environmental conservation. Potential responsibilities include fundraising including planning Run For Green, supporting the Now & Forever Campaign, grant opportunities, and applications, and donor stewardship; expanding community outreach; supporting summer youth education programs; and advancing community impact through programs of land conservation, greenways, urban forestry, and wildlife habitat. There may be occasional fieldwork on conserved properties. Knowledge of and experience with GIS applications and technology, experience with grant writing and knowledge of natural ecosystems are all strong pluses. Interns must be organized, flexible, capable of working independently, and self-motivated.
This position is part of the North Mecklenburg & Lake Norman Nonprofit Leadership Fellows cohort. As a fellow, you will take part in enrichment once a week around a shared reading and participate in the Summer Community Leadership Institute with other Davidson College summer program participants as part of program orientation. North Mecklenburg & Lake Norman cohort participants can elect to live in Davidson College summer housing or find local accommodations.
- Duration: Full-time (Avg 40 hrs/week) position for eight weeks (start date flexible)
- Benefits: $5,000 stipend
- Application Materials Required: Resume and cover letter submitted through Application on WildcatSync
Ignite your future with high-impact learning opportunities in research, internships, community-based learning and education abroad.