Student Opportunities
Hispanic Studies majors and minors, like all Davidson students, follow their hearts regarding their extra-curricular activities, and their interests are diverse.
Post-Davidson Opportunities
English Teacher Assistant in Spain’s Public School
You should begin this process in the Fall of your senior year. The application cycle generally opens in January. See Spain’s Ministry of Education site for details, and talk with faculty in Hispanic Studies!
For several fellowships like the Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship or Research Fellowships or the Watson Fellowship, you should begin the process in the spring/summer of your junior year. Applications are usually due in August of your senior year.
Note: Recent graduates are also eligible to apply for Fulbright grants.
Fellowships are competitive awards and programs that provide funding and other resources for meaningful immersive work, like research, teaching, or service. Like scholarships, fellowships can also support academic study.
These featured fellowships support a variety of experiences in Spanish-speaking countries and beyond. Interested candidates should contact Davidson’s Office of Fellowships to learn more about these fellowships and other programs.
Opportunities for Current Students
Below are a few cultural clubs and activities that appeal to many students in the department.
Spanish Table
La mesa de español meets in Vail Commons every Thursday from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. and every Friday from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Spanish speaking faculty and staff look forward to joining you for lunch!
Organization of Latinx American Students
Many Hispanic Studies students and those from other majors are enthusiastic about their participation in the Organization of Latinx American Students (OLAS). During its more than 20 years of existence, OLAS has sought to promote awareness and appreciation of Hispanic cultures on campus, and its membership is very diverse, with an executive board that represents nearly every ethnicity on campus. With cultural holiday parties, film screenings, and a host of inspiring and thought-provoking lectures about Latin American cultures, causes, and groups, OLAS aims to foster and maintain a spirit of solidarity among students interested in Hispanic cultures, including but not limited to Spanish speaking countries and their descendants.
Assistant Teachers (AT)
Our ATs are highly regarded by their peers for the work they do. Each AT prepares and teaches two 50-minute sessions per week for paid compensation. The hourly pay rate ranges from $12 to $13.50 per hour depending on experience, and we pay for up to one hour of preparation for every hour you teach.
We are looking for native speakers, highly proficient non-native speakers, Hispanic Studies majors and minors and students who have been abroad and want to continue using their Spanish. Screening begins in the spring with limited availability in the fall. For more information and/or application instructions, please contact the Hispanic Studies Language Coordinator, Prof. Brandon Cannon at brcannon@davidson.edu.
Davidson SK8S
Davidson SK8S (Spanish in Davidson K-8 School) is a partnership between Davidson College and Davidson K-8, the public kindergarten to 8th grade school. The program builds upon a long-standing relationship between the two institutions through which college students teach weekly Spanish lessons at the elementary school. Davidson College students have the opportunity to participate as volunteers or for academic credit by enrolling in SPA 311.
If you have a passion for teaching, children, or Spanish please join us! For more information, please contact Prof. Kyra Kietrys.
Colegio Menéndez Pelayo Summer Internship
We are collaborating with a former one-year international student, Leroys Valdés Sanabria 2017-18, and the Colegio Menéndez Pelayo School in Cantabria, Spain to offer a 6-week summer internship opportunity (May/June). Selected candidates will improve their own Spanish skills while helping domestic students improve their English skills. The program also offers a home-stay with a host family from Benasque as well as a complimentary, non-credit course on advanced Spanish that focuses on writing and speaking.
Applications are through Handshake. Questions can be directed to Prof. Kyra Kietrys.
Santa Elena Alliance
Santa Elena Alliance (SEA) volunteers facilitate cultural and language exchanges through virtual classrooms between Davidson College students and elementary school students in Santa Elena, Colombia. Volunteers have the opportunity to work on the forefront of tech and education in rural development and will gain practical insight into the barriers to digital inclusion and creative approaches to overcome them. All volunteers are trained in best virtual teaching practices and given ongoing professional development support from our team of teachers and engineers. This program was founded and is directed by Emilee Lord ’19 (History and Hispanic Studies), a 2019-2020 Fulbright ETA in Colombia, in response to COVID-19.
Davidson Camino Community Center Group
Camino Community Center is an organization located in the University area that serves people in need from the greater Charlotte region. It operates a health clinic, food pantry, soup kitchen, thrift store, and English/Spanish translation services. The Davidson CCC Group launched in the Fall of 2013. Davidson students can serve as volunteers for the largely Hispanic community. If you are interested, please contact Prof. Lola Santamaría.
The International House
The International House looks for bilingual, passionate volunteers and interns such as you to help Charlotte welcome the world. Possibilities include interning with the immigration legal clinic and helping immigrants apply for citizenship at our fall Naturalization Workshop. For more details contact International House's Volunteer and Event Coordinator, Samantha Williams at swilliams@ihclt.org. Also, check out Davidson’s Center for Civic Engagement for internship opportunities with IHCLT. Your language skills and your presence will make an important impact in someone else's life!
Private Tutoring
Every year, the Department of Hispanic Studies compiles a list of Hispanic Studies majors and minors who are interested in tutoring middle school and high school students. This is a private service between Davidson College students and the parents of the children in need of tutoring. The Department of Hispanic Studies only serves as a liaison between both parties to facilitate connections.
Contact our departmental coordinator Vanessa Victor at vavictor@davidson.edu for a copy of the list.