Plan of Study
Our Premedicine and Allied Health Professions Program students major in a wide range of disciplines, from neuroscience to art history.
You should plan to major in a discipline that excites you and for which you have the most aptitude, understanding that you will need to take one or two courses each semester that are prerequisites for admission to your health professions school of interest.
Initial Planning
If you are interested in the premedicine and allied health professions program (aka Prehealth Programs), you should first do the following:
- Plan to attend our fall director's meeting (September), where you will hear from the Prehealth Program faculty and staff; faculty and staff from the Public Health Department; directors of the Center for Civic Engagement and the Dean Rusk International Studies Program; officers of prehealth professional societies; Betty and B. Frank Matthews II ’49 Center for Career Development (Matthews Center), and local physicians, among others.
- Between late September through November - attend a small group meeting with the Premedicine and Allied Health Professions Program Director Naila Mamoon. Limited availability for Spring semester small group meetings, dates and times vary. During this group meeting, Dr. Mamoon discusses a plan of study that will equip you well for your future career, and general information about how to gain experience, resources, and specific courses to take and when. Group meetings are held during Common Hour (11:05 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.) and are limited to fourteen students per group. Attendance is by reservation only by emailing to schedule a date and time.
- After attending a group meeting, you will receive an appointment link to schedule schedule an individual meeting with Premedicine and Allied Health Professions Program Director Naila Mamoon to discuss your specific plan of study and program track interests.
- Find answers to some common questions about our Prehealth Programs.
While the specifics of your plan may vary, the following is an overview of your four-year course of study.
Prospective & Current Students
Follow the Premedicine and Allied Health Professions Programs website for upcoming events, self-enroll on our Prehealth Programs Moodle page and join our email Prehealth Programs Outlook 365 Group to become aware of programs, events, and opportunities available to enrolled students and alumni interested in health professions careers.
First-year Students & Sophomores
Starting early in your college career, attend our fall director's meeting (September). Starting in late September you will schedule your small group meeting with the program director, Prof. Naila Mamoon. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions and learn about the required prehealth courses and recommended healthcare volunteering opportunities. Group meetings are held during Common Hour (11:05 a.m.–12:05 p.m.) and are limited to fourteen (14) students per group. Attendance is by reservation only by emailing to schedule a date/time. All subsequent meetings with the program director will be one-on-one individual meetings.
Also, you should begin to find opportunities for clinical exposure and get involved on campus and in the community.
Recommended courses include:
- Biology: BIO 111 or 113 and BIO 112 or 114
- Chemistry: CHE 115, 220 or 240, 250, and 350
- Physics: PHY 120 and 220, or PHY 130 and 230, or PHY 125 and PHY 225. Students can also mix and match, for example take PHY 130 and then PHY 225 to complete the sequence.
- Biochemistry: BIO 303 or CHE 230
- Statistics: BIO 240, PSY 310, SOC 260, MAT 104/105, MAT 341, POL 182 or ECO 204
Some of the courses listed above may be taken during your junior year.
Additional upper-level courses in Biology may be required at specific medical schools. Some dental schools require additional upper-level biology courses, such as anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and histology. Some medical and dental schools will allow the substitution of the second semester of organic chemistry with one semester of biochemistry.
Learn more about course requirements.
Education Abroad
Choosing to participate in the Premedicine and Allied Health Professions program does not preclude you from studying abroad. It simply requires careful planning and consultation with the program director and professors within your major discipline. Please see the staff of the Office of Education Abroad for guidance in planning and preparing for the study abroad experience that is right for you.
As you continue your coursework and community involvement activities, you also should begin planning for next steps in your medical/health career.
- Attend information sessions, dean visits, skills workshops, Health Professions Symposium (January/February), preparation workshop for the MCAT, DAT, or other professional school entrance exams.
- Begin to narrow the list of schools to which you will apply.
- Apply for a Premedical/Prehealth Advisory Committee (PAC) evaluation in the fall semester. Applications are due 11:59 p.m. on Nov. 1 and the PAC interview and evaluation is completed during the spring semester. PAC evaluation is not available during summer break or early fall semester.
- Participate in a practice interview with members of PAC, alumni and staff from the Matthews Center for Career Development.
In preparation for continuing your medical/health career path, your senior year may include lots of paperwork and interviews.
- Attend information sessions, dean visits, skills workshops, Annual Health Professions Symposium (late January/ early February), preparation workshop for the MCAT, DAT, or other professional school entrance exams.
- Continue to narrow the list of schools to which you will apply.
- Connect with the Matthews Center for Career Development and Handshake for Gap Year and Bridge Year (ie. Fellowships and Post-Bac Programs) opportunities.
- Apply for a Premedical/Prehealth Advisory Committee (PAC) evaluation in the fall semester. Applications are due 11:59 p.m. on Nov. 1 and the PAC interview and evaluation is completed during the spring semester (if you did not complete PAC your junior year).
- Apply to medical/professional schools. Complete your secondary applications. Contact PAC program coordinator by emailing and request your PAC evaluation report be sent to the schools of your choice.
Gap Year(s) & Bridge Year(s)
Many students take a gap year(s) or a bridge year(s) after completing their undergraduate degree to gain experience and strengthen their application. This could be a research experience, clinical work experience, a fellowship program, or Post-baccalaureate program.
- Complete any pre-requisites need for health professional schools.
- Study for and take the MCAT, DAT or other professional school entrance exams.
- Continue to narrow the list of schools to which you will apply.
- Apply for a Premedical/Prehealth Advisory Committee (PAC) evaluation in the fall semester. Applications are due 11:59 p.m. on Nov. 1 and the PAC interview and evaluation is completed during the spring semester (if you did not complete PAC your junior or senior year).
- Apply to medical/professional schools the summer before entry year. Complete your secondary applications. Contact PAC program coordinator by emailing and request your PAC evaluation report be sent to the schools of your choice.