Law School Resources
Use the following resources for information on law school preparation, application and enrollment, as well as law employment.
Researching Law Schools
Law School Transparency
An award-winning 501(c)(3) non-profit that does consumer advocacy and public education about law schools and the legal profession.
LSAC Search
The "Law School Search" section on the LSAC website is a searchable database of all ABA-approved law schools. You can search by your GPA and LSAT score, but please note that there are many variables factored into this calculation. Do not use this tool as an absolute indicator of your chances of admission.
Book of Law School Lists
The NAPLA/SAPLA Book of Law School Lists is a compilation of various law school lists including special degree programs, clinical programs, scholarship offerings, application process information, and more.
Standard 509 Report
The ABA requires all law schools to compile a Standard 509 Report where you can get the most up-to-date information on admissions and employment.
Law School Locator
The Boston College Law School Locator uses your GPA and LSAT score to help you identify law schools where your numbers are most competitive. Note that the site states, "The chart is useful in evaluating law school choices but cannot determine where you should or should not apply."
The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) is the most important resource you will use during your law school application process. Create an account and use LSAC to: register and prepare for the LSAT, research and apply to law schools, research financial aid, and locate diversity and LGBT resources.
Financial Resources
The best way to find detailed information about financial aid and scholarships is through the individual law school's website.
Financing Law School
The LSAC website contains a section with ideas on how to finance law school.
Federal Student Aid
If you are eligible, Federal Student Aid may be able to finance part of your law school education.
Access Group
A nonprofit that provides financial education resources and services for students applying to law school. They will help you estimate the cost of your law degree and better understand your options.
Admissions Dean
A helpful scholarship website that you can use to locate scholarships for law school.
Resources for Students from Diverse Backgrounds
LSAT Accommodations
Accommodations when taking the LSAT can be requested through LSAC.
LGBTQ Resources
The "Diversity in Law School" section of the LSAC website has many resources.
Racial & Ethnic Minority Resources
The "Diversity in Law School" section of the LSAC website has many resources
CLEO Programs
The Council on Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO) was founded in 1968 as a non-profit project of the American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education to expand opportunities for minorities and low-income students to attend law school and become members of the legal profession by providing pre-law recruitment, counseling, placement assistance and training. There are programs and resources for each year of your undergraduate education.
Scholarship Opportunities
Discover Law has numerous legal education resources and scholarship opportunities that are available for students from diverse backgrounds.
American Bar Association
The ABA has multiple associations, centers, and commissions for students from diverse backgrounds including:
Center for Racial and Ethnic Diversity
Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Researching Law Careers
Betty and B. Frank Matthews II ’49 Center for Career Development
Have compiled a list of career information guides and websites where you can learn more about careers in law.
A good place to start learning about the different fields of law, what it's like to be a lawyer, and other career options for people with law degrees.
National Association of Law Placement
NALP is the premier resource for information on legal employment and recruiting.