Submitting an Arts Portfolio

While the Arts Portfolio is not a required element of your application, it is a way for you to demonstrate your sustained dedication to the arts.

If you would like faculty members to provide the Office of Admission with a formal review of your creative writing, dance, music, theatre, or visual art work, please submit our Arts Portfolio Interest Form, followed by your Arts Portfolio.

Instructions & Guidelines

Your Arts Portfolio can only be uploaded after you have submitted your application to Davidson and received a PIN providing you access to your Davidson Applicant Portal. Portfolio submissions must be received by the dates listed below in order for our faculty to have sufficient time for review.

Decision Plan

Arts Portfolio Deadline

Early Decision I November 15
Early Decision II January 6
Regular Decision January 13
Fall Transfer April 1

Portfolio Requirements

Creative Writing Portfolio

Please upload to your applicant portfolio a writing sample of no more than 10 pages of your best creative writing, or a video file of your performance poetry.

  • For poetry, single-space all entries. Submit no more than 10 poems; do not exceed 10 pages. Please use the .pdf format. 
  • For fiction or creative nonfiction, double-space all entries. Complete works or excerpts from larger works are welcome; label them accordingly. Do not exceed 10 pages. Please use the .pdf format.
  • For mixed genre portfolios, single-space all poems and double-space all prose, labeled accordingly. Do not exceed 10 pages. Please use the .pdf format.
  • For performance poetry, submit a video of work written and performed by you, of no more than 10 minutes. 

Do not submit a scholarly essay; the portfolio should only include your creative writing.

Dance Portfolio

Please upload to your applicant portfolio:

  • A letter discussing the role of dance in your life and
  • Two or three unedited videos, each up to ten minutes in length. Videos may be:
    • you performing the work of another in either a formal performance or rehearsal setting;
    • your own presentation of a piece that you have choreographed or are improvising;
    • another dancer performing a piece you have choreographed.

Please label each video accordingly so we are able to identify your role in each work.

Music Portfolio

Please upload to your applicant portfolio unedited video recordings approximately 10 minutes in overall total length, showcasing your talent as a performer or composer.  

  • You may submit separate videos for each piece or a single video containing all pieces. 

  • Your audition should not contain any exercises or scales, and care should be given to the recording environment and quality.

  • Recordings of recitals or concerts are acceptable; however, the quality of the recording should be taken into consideration by the applicant before submission.

If you are submitting a composition portfolio, you may submit either a video or audio recording of a digital or live performance. Notated scores are welcome but not required.

Theatre Portfolio

Please upload to your applicant portfolio an audio or video file of no more than 10 minutes, showcasing your talent as an actor, director, playwright, set designer, or costume designer. You may submit separate videos for each piece or a single video containing all pieces. 

Please label each video accordingly so we are able to identify your role in each work.

Visual Art Portfolio

Please upload to your applicant portfolio no more than 5-15 images of your work. (10-15 images gives our faculty reviewers a better sense of your studio practice than 5 images. Please indicate if work was completed for a class.) 

  • Each image must be uploaded as an individual media file. 
  • Once the files have been uploaded, please open each slide and include its title, dimensions, year completed, and media description. 
  • When organizing portfolios, it is important to take sharp photos of artwork ideally with neutral backgrounds and/or to have good quality edits of video-based works. 
  • The portfolio should present the applicant's unique approach to creating art. Evidence of innovative experimentation with concepts and techniques is encouraged.

Arts Scholarships

If you are interested in pursuing available scholarships in creative writing, music, or theatre, you will also need to complete the appropriate scholarship application. 

Please note that transfer students are not eligible for scholarship consideration.