Davidson College's 188th Commencement, celebrating the Class of 2025, will take place on Sunday, May 18, 2025.
A livestream of commencement and digital event program will also be available for loved ones unable to attend the ceremony.
This live stream will also be projected in the C. Shaw Smith 900 Room in the Alvarez College Union. In the event of inclement weather, the stream will be projected in the Duke Family Performance Hall as well.
In addition to the commencement ceremony, family and friends of students are welcome to attend a number of events held on Saturday and Sunday, including department open houses and performances by the Davidson College Chorale featuring senior soloists and the Jazz Ensemble.
Commencement News

Class of 2024 Models Resilience, Celebrates Graduation With Joy
Davidson College celebrated the Class of 2024 at its 187th commencement on Sunday, May 12. “Remember that hope is an action verb,” President Doug Hicks told graduates. “You are not just inheriting a world; you can and must shape that world.” Read more.