Equipment and Gear
Davidson Outdoors doesn't want you to buy specialized gear you might only use once. We have worked hard to provide as much of the equipment and gear as possible.
In most cases, if you don't already have it, you can likely borrow it from Davidson Outdoors - for free! You can also visit your local thrift shops for some of the clothing options at a low cost. You do not need to own or bring any technical gear to participate in Outdoor Odyssey.
A request form to borrow gear from Davidson Outdoors will be emailed to you once you receive a spot in an Outdoor Odyssey session via the registration lottery.
What Not To Bring
- Alcohol and non-prescription or illicit drugs are prohibited.
- Expensive jewelry and other valuables are an unnecessary risk for loss.
- Cell phones and other electronics should not go on the actual Outdoor Odyssey program. You will be able to securely store these at Davidson during your trip.
Gear Information
Where to Buy or Borrow Gear
We suggest you borrow gear rather than purchase it, unless you anticipate using it frequently after Odyssey. There is no charge for gear provided by Davidson Outdoors. If you do need to purchase gear, the following discount sources provide good quality equipment at reasonable prices. Visit their website to find items that you need.
- REI Garage
- Sierra Trading Post
- Backcountry and Steep and Cheap
- Your local thrift shop for clothing and shoes