Information for Graduating Seniors
Graduates participating in Commencement are encouraged to consult the information found here.
Please note that graduating seniors must attend certain events in preparation for Commencement. Please consult the events schedule for more information.
Attire for Commencement
Commencement is a special occasion designed to honor and recognize the hard work and accomplishments of students and faculty members in the presence of family, friends, and the Davidson College community. Attire for graduates should be respectful of the ceremony's importance.
Per tradition at Davidson College, graduates wear a plain black cap and gown. This can be picked up at the Senior Salute event. The tassel on the cap begins on the right and caps should be parallel to the ground. Beneath the cap and gown, graduates should wear cool, comfortable dress clothes with practical dress shoes. Personal adornments or props are not in keeping with the spirit of the ceremony; however, graduates may wear cords and stoles from recognized Davidson College student organizations. If graduates have questions, please email registrar@davidson.edu well in advance of the Commencement ceremony.
Reading Graduates' Names
Commencement is an occasion to celebrate every graduate with enthusiasm and joy. Whether your path through Davidson was smooth, rocky, or something in between, Commencement is a moment to recognize and applaud your success. With that in mind, we will read every name (so don’t forget to record yours) as well as departmental honors from the stage. Latin and departmental honors will be printed in the program.
The name used for Commencement, including the diploma, defaults to a student’s legal name (first, middle, last). This is because there are cases, such as working outside of the United States, that require the diploma to match a person’s legal name. Please contact the Registrar at andewberry@davidson.edu if you would like to request that a non-legal name be used for Commencement and the diploma.
Official Photographer
GradImages is the official photographer for commencement. Pictures may be ordered online, by phone or by mail. If you pre-register with GradImages you will receive a 20% discount on your order. As soon as 3-5 days after the ceremony, your free photo proofs will be delivered to you by mail, email, and/or text message.
You may purchase through the website, gradimages.com, or by calling the Customer Service Department at 800-261-2576. If you have any questions, please email GradImages at ecc.giservice@gradimages.net.
The commencement ceremony will be livestreamed, and can be viewed a few days after the ceremony by visiting the college’s YouTube Channel. Please provide this information to any guests that will not be attending in person.