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Alma Mater

All Hail, O Davidson

All Hail, O Davidson,

Our dear old alma mater.

Thy founders loved thee,

Gave their best to thee.

We still today,

Thy loyal sons and daughters,

Follow them on,

And pledge our loyalty.

The Fight Song

O, Davidson!

O, Davidson! you are the best

Old College in the East or West.

You play the fair game

You play the square game.

And you win in everything.

And when the Red and Black machine

Is out to fight and looking mean -

Then I am happy as for you I sing.


O, Davidson! we will down them

Down them every one;

O, Davidson! we will conquer

Ere the day is done

Down every foe, then

as through their lines we run;

win for the honor of old Davidson

Quips and Cranks

View Quips and Cranks yearbooks going back to the 19th century online through the Davidson College Archives. 


See our History and Traditions page to read about more about Davidson's culture and traditions.